早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Singapore(新加坡)is the name of an island on the south of Malaya.It is also the name of the city on the south side of this island.Singapore City is one of the world’s greatest ports.It passes goods from all around the world.On most of the island the climate is hot and wet.Fruits,vegetables,and rubber(橡胶)are grown wherever land can be farmed.
Malaya is just above Singapore on the map.It is an important shipping center.Much of the rubber used in the world is from Malaya.Thick jungles(丛林)cover much of the country.On the little land they can farm,the people raise mostly rice.
India is on the west of Burma(缅甸).It is the seventh largest country in the world.And it has more people than any other country except China.India has deserts(沙漠),jungles,plains and mountains.People in India speak about one hundred and eighty languages.On their farms Indians grow wheat,vegetables,rice,and other foods,but they are not able to grow enough food to feed everyone.
61. Which country and its city have the same name?
[ A ] Burma.
[ B ] Singapore.
[ C ] India.
62. Where is Burma?
[ A ] To the east of India.
[ B ] On the east of India.
[ C ] On the west of India.
63. Which is true about the three countries?
[ A] They're all on the sea.
[ B ] They're all very poor.
[ C ] They all lie in the south of Asia.
64. How many languages do the people in India speak?
[ A ] One.
[ B ] Two.
[ C ] About 180.
65. Which is the seventh largest country in the world?
[ A] India.
[ B ] Malaya.
[ C ] Singapore.
Singapore(新加坡)is the name of an island on the south of Malaya.It is also the name of the city on the south side of this island.Singapore City is one of the world’s greatest ports.It passes goods from all around the world.On most of the island the climate is hot and wet.Fruits,vegetables,and rubber(橡胶)are grown wherever land can be farmed.
Malaya is just above Singapore on the map.It is an important shipping center.Much of the rubber used in the world is from Malaya.Thick jungles(丛林)cover much of the country.On the little land they can farm,the people raise mostly rice.
India is on the west of Burma(缅甸).It is the seventh largest country in the world.And it has more people than any other country except China.India has deserts(沙漠),jungles,plains and mountains.People in India speak about one hundred and eighty languages.On their farms Indians grow wheat,vegetables,rice,and other foods,but they are not able to grow enough food to feed everyone.
61. Which country and its city have the same name?
[ A ] Burma.
[ B ] Singapore.
[ C ] India.
62. Where is Burma?
[ A ] To the east of India.
[ B ] On the east of India.
[ C ] On the west of India.
63. Which is true about the three countries?
[ A] They're all on the sea.
[ B ] They're all very poor.
[ C ] They all lie in the south of Asia.
64. How many languages do the people in India speak?
[ A ] One.
[ B ] Two.
[ C ] About 180.
65. Which is the seventh largest country in the world?
[ A] India.
[ B ] Malaya.
[ C ] Singapore.
61B 62B 63C 64C 65A
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