早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Ice Age,an eye unknown group,the composition of the groups can be described as a mess,the fame of the charm of their bodies in order to survive,the interpretation of the legends ...
Nowhere in sight,a small squirrel,ice 4 significantly more delicate than the first few 3D,the first lens,squirrels nose almost touched the audience,the next Shengjing Hu,handsome,holy,ice four perfect presentation.
Ice 4 brought the first three are not inclusive,Manny and Ellie's daughter Peaches,Sid's grandmother were playing such a role,old partner Sid,Manny,Di Ge still,small squirrels string full field still,peaches,and Mole,the interpretation of the grandmother and baby whale ice four implied impact excitation to the peak,in the face in the crowd Unexpectedly,Mole to a true friend through anything standing in the ice age the highest stage in the face of invincible opponent else has captain (monkey pirate),still pick up weapons; Sid grandmother last minute call for the baby (the whale) to show their talents,to freedom and peace,in order to defeat evil,to overcome the hegemony of pirates fleet.
Saber-toothed tiger Sheila staged the warmth of the scene,but also reflects the other side of the group,transferred from the Buccaneers inclusive team process is still shiny.
Interpretation of the glacier is concentrated human society,the different roles put on a different life,an inclusive group point to people's minds to the call of the Sacred.
Ice 5 will still come and look forward to ...
Nowhere in sight,a small squirrel,ice 4 significantly more delicate than the first few 3D,the first lens,squirrels nose almost touched the audience,the next Shengjing Hu,handsome,holy,ice four perfect presentation.
Ice 4 brought the first three are not inclusive,Manny and Ellie's daughter Peaches,Sid's grandmother were playing such a role,old partner Sid,Manny,Di Ge still,small squirrels string full field still,peaches,and Mole,the interpretation of the grandmother and baby whale ice four implied impact excitation to the peak,in the face in the crowd Unexpectedly,Mole to a true friend through anything standing in the ice age the highest stage in the face of invincible opponent else has captain (monkey pirate),still pick up weapons; Sid grandmother last minute call for the baby (the whale) to show their talents,to freedom and peace,in order to defeat evil,to overcome the hegemony of pirates fleet.
Saber-toothed tiger Sheila staged the warmth of the scene,but also reflects the other side of the group,transferred from the Buccaneers inclusive team process is still shiny.
Interpretation of the glacier is concentrated human society,the different roles put on a different life,an inclusive group point to people's minds to the call of the Sacred.
Ice 5 will still come and look forward to ...
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