早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
这票的主干是 THE FT SAID(金融时报说),说什么呢,说"The commission contends."说委员会声称...声称了什么呢?声称"卢森堡"允许"亚马逊公司"卢森堡允许亚马逊企业内部不当地分配利润,违反企业之间公平交易标准
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
这票的主干是 THE FT SAID(金融时报说),说什么呢,说"The commission contends."说委员会声称...声称了什么呢?声称"卢森堡"允许"亚马逊公司"卢森堡允许亚马逊企业内部不当地分配利润,违反企业之间公平交易标准
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
看了 请大家帮我详细分析一下这两个...的网友还看了以下:
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