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完成句子 根据所给汉语,用英文完成下列句子

1.    由于洪水,当地政府给我们提供了食物和净水。

The local government _______ us _______ food and clean water because of the _______.

2.    我想知道人们是否怜悯这些需要救助的动物。

I wonder if people _______ _______ _______ the animals in need.

3.    厚厚的白雪笼罩万物,每年这个时候打雪仗真是欢乐无穷!

Everything _______ _______ in _______ snow and it’s fun to play snowball fights at this     time of year.

4.    整日无休止的工作使他积劳成疾。

Working all day long without any rest _______ _______ his _______.

5.    我们要尽可能勤加练习以使它日臻完美。

We should __________________________ to make it perfect day by day.

6.    这台机器一开始就报废了。

The machine __________________________.


1. provided; with; flood                2. take/have; pity; on

3. is; covered; deep/thick             4. led; to; illness

5. practise as often as possible    6. broke down at/in/from the beginning