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《诗经▪小雅▪采薇》 用英语怎么说 《越人歌》用英语怎么说
Let us gather the thorn-ferns ,let us gather the thorn-ferns ;
The thorn-ferns are now springing up .
When shall we return When shall we return
It will be late in the [next] year .
Wife and husband will be separated ,
Because of the Xian-yun .
We shall have no leisure to rest ,
Because of the Xian-yun .
Let us gather the thorn-ferns ,let us gather the thorn-ferns ;
The thorn-ferns are now tender .
When shall we return When shall we return
Our hearts are sorrowful ;
Our hearts are sad and sorrowful ;
We shall hunger ,we shall thirst .
While our service on guard is not finished ,
We can send no one home to enquire about our families .
Let us gather the thorn-ferns ,let us gather the thorn-ferns ;
The thorn-ferns are now hard .
When shall we return When shall we return
The year will be in the tenth month .
But the king's business must not be slackly performed ;
We shall have no leisure to rest .
Our sorrowing hearts are in great distress ;
But we shall not return from our expedition .
What is that so gorgeous
It is the flowers of the cherry tree .
What carriage is that
It is the carriage of our general .
His war carriage is yoked ;
The four steeds are strong .
Dare we remain inactive
In one month we shall have three victories .
The four steeds are yoked ,
The four steeds ,eager and strong ; --
The confidence of the general ,
The protection of the men .
The four steeds move regularly ,like wings ; --
There are the bow with its ivory ends ,and the seal-skin quiver .
Shall we not daily warn one another
The business of the Xian-yun is very urgent .
At first ,when we set out ,
The willows were fresh and green ;
Now ,when we shall be returning ,
The snow will be falling in clouds .
Long and tedious will be our marching ;
We shall hunger ; we shall thirst .
Our hearts are wounded with grief ,
And no one knows our sadness .
Song of a Boater from Yue
What a night tonight for me:
rowing in the mainstream!
What a day today for me:
with the Prince of my dream!
Although I'm humble and plain
thou don't see me as a shame
Oh,how troubled my heart is
When lay my eyes on thee!
Trees grow on the moutains,
and branches on the tree
Do thou feel my fondness
---GROWING fondess for thee?
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