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One day a farmer caught an eagle by chance.
But he didn't want to kill the eagle.
So he decided to set free the eagle.
"You're a so wonderful bird."
"I don't want to kill you."
"I'll let you go."
And he flew him away.
The eagle couldn't speak anything.
But the eagle must have thought
that the farmer was a good man.
Some days later,the farmer worked hard in the field.
Then he had his lunch and took a nap under the shadow.
There was a wall of big stones behind him.
The farmer covered his face with his hat.
As the eagle passed that place,
he saw the farmer.
And he saw the wall,too.
The eagle thought the farmer was in the danger.
So the eagle flew down and took off the farmer's hat.
He put the hat on the grass in front of the farmer.
The farmer woke up and shouted at the eagle.
"What are you doing now?"
"Why are you talking my hat?"
"I was good to you.I let you go."
"But now you are stealing my hat.
Give it to me right away."
He walked to the hat,but the eagle picked it up again,
and put it down three or four meters away.
The farmer was angry and ran after it.
At that time,he heard a loud noise behind him.
He looked back and saw the wall.
It fell down.
The farmer picked up his hat and put in on.
And he said to the eagle.
"Thank you so much,and I'm sorry to have misunderstood you."
The eagle flew away without saying anything.
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