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Long long ago,there lived a farmer in the village.He had a cow.In spring,the farmer took his cow to the pasture and fed his cow there.
He always prayed to God,“Dear God,thank you for keeping us safe always.I pray that you feed this cow with plenty of grasses here.”
A demon listening to him in the bush was offended at his words.“Now,thanks God while things are going well.But if things turn bad,he will always lay the blame on me.You shall soon see.”
A few days later,the farmer’s cow fell into the pond.The farmer saw his cow struggling in the water and got angry.He cried,“I’m sure a demon has put her in the pond.How cruel this demon is!”
The demon heard this behind the bush and said,“That is what I expected.” The farmer ran to the village for help.
After a while,the demon came out of the bush and pulled the cow from the water.The demon smiled and said,“Now this time,I think the farmer will thank me”.Soon the farmer came back from the villagers.When he found his cow safe on the bank,he said,“Dear God,thank you very much for pulling my cow from the pond.”
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