早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我最近干了一件蠢事儿,弄坏了一块儿虫珀化石,还是从国外博物馆借的 TOT,现在得写一封道歉信,可是我英文水平实在不行,我现在写一个中文的大体的稿子,大家帮我翻译翻译吧...如果里面有不合适的内容也麻烦你们帮我修改一下,英文实在太差 TOT...
我最近干了一件蠢事儿,弄坏了一块儿虫珀化石,还是从国外博物馆借的 TOT,现在得写一封道歉信,可是我英文水平实在不行,我现在写一个中文的大体的稿子,大家帮我翻译翻译吧...如果里面有不合适的内容也麻烦你们帮我修改一下,英文实在太差 TOT...
Dear __你想写给的人__,
I'm very sorry that I unintentionally damaged the Amber fossil that I borrowed from you earlier on.I used double-sided tape to tape a copper wire to the fossil's surface to act as a mark for the CT scan as normal markings under the CT scan are not able to be seen.
After the scan, I searched online for a solution to remove the double-sided tape, thinking that it was best not to just remove it by force should it damage the fossil. I tried to use alcohol to remove the tape according to sources on the web, however, I realized that no matter how careful I am, rubbing alcohol on the fossil will still damage the surface. I'm sorry to say that the surface of the fossil is now really blurred and its structure can no longer be seen.
Once again, I apologize for my carelessness with handling such a precious item, I've learnt my lesson and would think through my actions in the future. I'm sincerely sorry and I hope that you'll forgive me.
Yours sincerely,
I'm very sorry that I unintentionally damaged the Amber fossil that I borrowed from you earlier on.I used double-sided tape to tape a copper wire to the fossil's surface to act as a mark for the CT scan as normal markings under the CT scan are not able to be seen.
After the scan, I searched online for a solution to remove the double-sided tape, thinking that it was best not to just remove it by force should it damage the fossil. I tried to use alcohol to remove the tape according to sources on the web, however, I realized that no matter how careful I am, rubbing alcohol on the fossil will still damage the surface. I'm sorry to say that the surface of the fossil is now really blurred and its structure can no longer be seen.
Once again, I apologize for my carelessness with handling such a precious item, I've learnt my lesson and would think through my actions in the future. I'm sincerely sorry and I hope that you'll forgive me.
Yours sincerely,
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