早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、The teacher told them ________ make so much noise.
A. don’t B. not C. will not D. not to
2、The workers want us ________ together with them.
A. work B. working C. to work D. worked
3、They would not allow him ________ across the enemy line.
A. to risk going B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going
4、I saw him ________ out of the room.
A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes
5、I’ve heard him ________ about you often.
A. spoke B. speaks C. speak D. spoken
6、The problem ________ at tomorrow’s meeting is a very difficult one.
A. being discussed B. discussed C. to be discussed D. to discuss
7、He reached the station tired only ______ that the train had just left.
A. learned B. learning C. to learn D. learn
8、He couldn’t decide which restaurant _________.
A. to have lunch B. to eat C. to eat at D. eating at
9、This problem is said ________ three times.
A. to have been talked B. to have discussed
C. having been discussed D. to have been talked about
10、Everybody believed the man _______ away the diamond ring.
A. be taken B. taking C. to take D. to have taken
D 固定结构 tell sb (not)to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事
C want sb to do sth
A allow sb to do sth 以及词组risk doing sth
A see sb do 或是doing sth
C hear sb do 或是doing sth
C 非谓语形式 表示将来
C only to do 非谓语形式 表示意想不到的结果
D 问题被讨论3次 用被动 be said to dosth
最后一题感觉有点问题 believe一般后面接从句 那么应该选项最好写 had taken 不过一定要选个我选D 表示动作的先后关系 用to have done 表示后面的动词发生在believe之前
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