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一篇关于中西餐的作文 要现写的!
The Differences Between Chinese Food and Western
FoodWhat people like to eat depends on the
environment and custom.There are two main kinds
of food which are Chinese food and western food.
They are different.
First,cook techniques are different.Chinese
people tend to use stir-fry or quick-fry method.
Western people like to have their vegetables or
meat either steamed or boiled.Second,Chinese
food and western food have their own
characteristics.Chinese people think taste is
more important.Chinese cooks always spend much
time on taste.Western people think nutrition is
more important.They have a balanced diet.Their
food must contain vitamin and protein.Third,
there is also a huge difference.Chinese people
use chopsticks.They just use chopsticks to pick
things and pass it into your mouse.Western people
use fork and knife.They use fork to hold the meat
and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get
that piece of meat into mouse.Finally,the
banquet forms are different.Chinese like to eat
dinner together at a big table.Western people
like to eat buffet.They like to eat freely.
As far as I am concerned,Chinese food and western
food have their own characteristics.We should not
say which is better.Whatever we eat,what we
should do is eating healthy.
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