早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


新课标七下英语前两课课文.Can you play the guitar?What time do you go to school?要全文,直接打字,不要网址,不然找不到.今晚必须要!老师要背,明天报道默!重谢!
Unit 1
Section A:
Can you play the guitar?
I want to join the art club.
Can you draw?
Yes, I can.
Can you swim?
No, I can’t.
I want to join the music club.
Oh, can you sing?
Yes, I can.
What can these people do? Match the activities with the people.
Play chess. Speak English. Play the guitar
Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then make your own conversations.
Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.
What club do you want to join?
I want to join the chess club.
English club. Art club. Music club. Chess club. Swimming club.
Listen again. Complete the sentences.
1. Lisa wants to join the ______ club, but she can’t play_______
2. Bob wants to join the _______club. He likes to speak_______
3. Mary likes music. She can_____ and _____ . Bob likes music, too. They want to join the _____club.
Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.
Role-play the conversation.
J: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?
B: I want to join a sports club.
J: Great! What sports can you play?
B: Soccer.
J: So you can join the soccer club.
B: What about you? You’re very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.
J: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too.
B: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!
J: OK, let’s join now!
Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.
Play tennis. Play volleyball. Play soccor write stories. Tell stories.
Complete the poster with the words in the box.
Students Wanted for School Show
We want students for the school show. Can you sing or dance? Can you play the guitar? Can you tell stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.
What can your group do in the school show? Make a list.
School Show.
Sunday 6:00 p.m. in the music room.
What can you do?
Come and show us!
What can you do?
I can do kung fu.
Section B
Draw lines to match the words with the picture.
Listen and number the words[1-4]in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a
Ask and answer questions about the instruments.
Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear
Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d
Talk about what Bill,Cindy and Frank can and can’t do.
Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan, Ma Huan. Underline what they can do. Hello, I’m Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.
Hi, I’m Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people.
My name’s Alan. I’m in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too.
Read the ads, match the titles with the ads.
A. Help for Old People
B. Music Teacher Wanted
C. Help with Sports in English.
We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-77296 today!
Are you bust after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students’ Sport Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.
Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have tine on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not diffcult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.
Complete the ad with the words in the box
Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival
Do you like music?
Can you sing and dance?
Can you play the piano or the violin?
Cna you play the guitar or the drums?
Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please call Mr. Zhang at 633-6033.
Make a poster. Ask for help with an event at your school.
1. Add more words and phrases in each box.
2. Add as many words as you can to make phrases.
1) play the drums
2) speak english
3) help with math
4) be good at telling stroies
5) be good with old people
3. What can you do? What can’t you do? What about the people you know? Write at least five sentences.

UNIT 2 what time do you go to school?
Section A:
What time do you usually get up, Rich?
I usually get up at six thirty.
Match the activities with the picture
Get up. Go to school. Get dressed. Brush teech. Eat breasket. Take a shower.
Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.
Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Rick’s day.
A: what time do you usually take a shower, Rick?
B: I usually take a shower at six forty.
Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences
Jim has _______borthers and ______sisters. Jim’s family has_________shower. Jim’s family has five shower(不可数名词:沐浴)
Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jim’s family.
Name Bob Mary Jack Jim Anna
Time 5:30
Now talk about yourself.
What time do you usually get up?
I always get up at five fifty.
Wow! I never get up so early.
Role-play the conversation.
A: Scott has an interesting job. He words at a radio station.. scott, what time is your radio show?
B: From twelve o’clokck at night to six o’clock in the morning.
A: What time do you usually get up?
B: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.
A: That’s a funny time for breakfast.
B: Yeah. After that, I usually exercist at about ten twenty.
A: When do you go to work?
A: at eleven o’colck, so I’m never late for work.
Grammar focus:
What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.
What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty.
What time does Rick eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at seven o’clock.
When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at eleven o’clock. He’s never late.
When do your friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends.
Write answers or questions. Usr always, usually or never
1. what time do you get up on school days?
2. rick always get up at 6:20
3. what time do you have breakfast.
4. Anna never eats breakfast.
5. What time does your best freind go to school?
Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do.
Interview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class.
Section B
When do students usually do these things? match the activiteys with the time of day. Hlaf past six in the morning do homework
A quarter past three in the afternoo. Eat dinner
A quarter to seven in the evening eat breakfast
A quarter to ten in the evening go to bed.
Check your answers with your partner.
When do students usually eat dinner?
They usualy eat dinner at a quarte to seven in the evening.
Listen and circle the activities you hear
Get up do my homewor
Run clean my room
Eat breakfast eat dinner
Go to school take a walk
Go home go to bed.
Listen again. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1C
Ask and answer questions about Tom.
Check (V) the activities you think are healthy.
Go to bed early. Eat ice-cream.
Eat quickly. Eat vegetalbes.
Play sports. Take a walk.
Tony and Mary are brother and sister. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier? Circle the hralthy activities.
Hi! I’m Tony. I don’t like to get up early. In the morning. I get up at eight.. Then I go to school at eitht thirty. I don’t have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly. For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.
Mary is my sister. she usually gets up at six thirty. Then she always takes a shower
and eats a good breakfast. After that, she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and veetalbes for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats ice-cream fater dinner. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good! In the evening,she does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk. At nine thirty, she goes to bed.
Wirte down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of theathy activityes for them.
Unhealthy habits healthy activities.
Number these sentences in order ot make a stort about a daily routine.
I ususlly exercise from six fifteen to seven.
I always get up at six.
Ater that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eitht.
Then i quickly have a shower and eat breakfast.
I have lunch at q quarter to twelve.
I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.
I have a very healthy life.
I have dinner at seven thirty.
I go to bed at ten.
Self Check.
Match the verbs in columa A with the words in column B. t6hen use the phrases to complete the sentences.
1. Ice-cream usually ____ so students like to eat it after school.
2. my grandparents are very htealhy. They always______fater dinner.
3. you need to _____fater eating to have good teeth.
4. he ____. He works at a radio station.
5. here are your clothes . go and _______quickly.
6. I don’t have time to _____from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends.
2. complete the conversations with questions and answers. Use the words in the brackets to help you.
I don’t know. But she is never late for the first class in the morning.
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