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假如你是李明.明天周六,你打电话邀好朋友tom 去看电影.请你用英语草拟电话内
"Hey Tom, do you want to go see a movie on Saturday?"(嗨,汤姆,你今晚想去看电影吗?)
"I'm going to watch Terminator 2. Do you wanna join?"(我要去看终结者2,你要一起去吗?)
"Let's go see The Matrix tomorrow."(我们明天去看黑客帝国吧。)
"What time should we meet at the theatre?"(我们几点在影院见?)
"Let's watch a movie after dinner."(我们晚饭后去看电影吧。)
"The Titanic is coming out this Friday. Let's go see it."(泰坦尼克号这周五要放映了,我们去看吧。)
"That sounds great."(好啊。)
"I always wanted to see that. Let's go."(我一直想看这部。我们去吧。)
"Let's meet at the theatre at four o'clock."(我们4点钟在影院见。)
"Sure. Do you wanna eat lunch together before the movie?"(好啊,你想在看电影之前一起吃午饭吗?)
"I've already seen that movie. What else is playing?"(我已经看过那部了。还有放映别的电影吗?)
"I can't. I have to work that night."(我无法去,我那晚得工作。)
"That movie sounds scary. I don't like horror movies."(那部电影看起来挺恐怖的,我不喜欢恐怖片。)
"I really don't like the actors. I'm going to pass."(我实在不喜欢那些演员,我不打算看了。)