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applying for a new boss的译文
只是文章内容 感谢名师为我解惑
When I went off to college,I got one piece of advice from my father:"It doesn't matter what courses you take ,just find the great professors." Sure enough,I soon discoverd that all kinds of subjects were interesting to me as long as good teachers presented them.In Professor Wein-stein's class,I could hear the tumbrels rolling through the streets of Parris during the French Reolution.And going back further,I can still recall things about the stars that I should have long ago forgotten if not for my second grade teacher,Miss Scorchiotti.To me ,a great teacher is one who performs a subject in a way that makes it come alive.
A great boss does the same.They turn the day-to-day uninteresting jobs into a learning exper ence.They convince you that you and what you are doing actually matter.They give you confidence ,which makes you more willing to ask a question ,or assume responsibility,or even suggest a change in some age-old company process.In short,a great boss knows how to teach.
So my advice to anyone bound for the job market in the coming years and to anyone looking for a different work experience is Don't interview for the right job.Interview for the right boss.Not a best person,but someone who is willing and able to help you grow professionally.
What are some signs of the wrong boss?Well,anyone who:
Is surrounded by the same team year after year,If you're such a good teacher,why aren't these people moving on and getting promoted?
Is short of a sense of humor,Life is short .Work is hard .Let's lighten up when facing something difficult.
Loves typing.Hates talking .Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall?
Who are the best bosses I ever had?Angela,my first boss out of college,was very clever and outspoken.She ruffled feathers around the company but was eager to let me in on what she thought and why .
My boss Tom used to say :"You can sleep when you're dead ."Working for Tom was just a bit exhausting .But he was also unbelievably straightforward,and quick to ask advice and give it.We often had different opinions,yet our discussions helped both of us learn more about what we were trying to perform.A great boss both gives respect and earns it.
And how do you know when you've found the right boss?Be yourself with them and see if the self they are with you is someone you want to learn from for a couple of years.If that person is dull or dogmatic in an interview,guess what they're going to be like Monday through friday?Interviewees are on their best behavior in that setting,but so are interviewers.You don't like what you see?The power is yours.Go out and interview another boss.
只是文章内容 感谢名师为我解惑
When I went off to college,I got one piece of advice from my father:"It doesn't matter what courses you take ,just find the great professors." Sure enough,I soon discoverd that all kinds of subjects were interesting to me as long as good teachers presented them.In Professor Wein-stein's class,I could hear the tumbrels rolling through the streets of Parris during the French Reolution.And going back further,I can still recall things about the stars that I should have long ago forgotten if not for my second grade teacher,Miss Scorchiotti.To me ,a great teacher is one who performs a subject in a way that makes it come alive.
A great boss does the same.They turn the day-to-day uninteresting jobs into a learning exper ence.They convince you that you and what you are doing actually matter.They give you confidence ,which makes you more willing to ask a question ,or assume responsibility,or even suggest a change in some age-old company process.In short,a great boss knows how to teach.
So my advice to anyone bound for the job market in the coming years and to anyone looking for a different work experience is Don't interview for the right job.Interview for the right boss.Not a best person,but someone who is willing and able to help you grow professionally.
What are some signs of the wrong boss?Well,anyone who:
Is surrounded by the same team year after year,If you're such a good teacher,why aren't these people moving on and getting promoted?
Is short of a sense of humor,Life is short .Work is hard .Let's lighten up when facing something difficult.
Loves typing.Hates talking .Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall?
Who are the best bosses I ever had?Angela,my first boss out of college,was very clever and outspoken.She ruffled feathers around the company but was eager to let me in on what she thought and why .
My boss Tom used to say :"You can sleep when you're dead ."Working for Tom was just a bit exhausting .But he was also unbelievably straightforward,and quick to ask advice and give it.We often had different opinions,yet our discussions helped both of us learn more about what we were trying to perform.A great boss both gives respect and earns it.
And how do you know when you've found the right boss?Be yourself with them and see if the self they are with you is someone you want to learn from for a couple of years.If that person is dull or dogmatic in an interview,guess what they're going to be like Monday through friday?Interviewees are on their best behavior in that setting,but so are interviewers.You don't like what you see?The power is yours.Go out and interview another boss.
当我离家去上大学时 ,爸爸给了我一条建议说:学什么课程不重要,重要的是你的老师.不久我便发现确实是这样,所有好老师上的课我都会觉得很有趣.在Wein-stein教授的课上,我能听到法国大革命时期死囚车在巴黎街道上滚滚而过.回忆更久以前,我还能记起关于星星的知识,这些我本早该忘记如果不是因为我的二年级时的Scorchiotti老师(的生动解说).对我来说,一个好老师是能将一个主题表现得活灵活现的.
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