早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In recent years some big cities at home and abroad are facing common problems in traffic congestion,frequent accidents and environmental degradation.
Both developed and developing countries are troubled by the deteriorating road traffic congestion.
A traditional way to solve the traffic problem is to add or expand roads.But,with population growing,urban per capita living space is decreasibng and the available space for road construction is less and less .
Meanwhile,as the traffic system is a complex system,it will be difficult to solve traffic problems if consider only the road or the vehicle separately,Therefore,how to achieve efficient ,fast,and safe road transport is a serious problem is faced not only by our country but also the world simutaneously.
Both developed and developing countries are troubled by the deteriorating road traffic congestion.
A traditional way to solve the traffic problem is to add or expand roads.But,with population growing,urban per capita living space is decreasibng and the available space for road construction is less and less .
Meanwhile,as the traffic system is a complex system,it will be difficult to solve traffic problems if consider only the road or the vehicle separately,Therefore,how to achieve efficient ,fast,and safe road transport is a serious problem is faced not only by our country but also the world simutaneously.
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