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追星表现 :模仿衣着 发型 嗜好 举止
追星后果 :迷失自我 荒废学业
你的看法 :……
Ladies and Gentlemen,
  Nowadays,star-worshiping is popular among teenagers,especially many middle school students.
  When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star,the main factor I’d like to mention is imitation.With a blind love for their idols,teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best things in life.As a result,the stars’ clothes,hairstyles and hobbies are closely observed or followed,as well as their behaviors in public,though,to some extent,improper or even ridiculous sometimes.
  However,as is known to all,idols can be found everywhere but there is the only igo-self.While you’re imitating to be someone else,where are you in this world?No one can take the place of you unless you give t up yourself.Additionally,imitation means more than abandoning your own goals.Since you’re wandering along your life road aimlessly,it’s so predictable a failure that you can neither enjoy your idol’s rise to fame,nor gain from your messy school work.Eventually,you have to bite the bullet yourself.
  As far as I’m concerned,our future should be more dependent on knowledge rather than star-worshipping.Scientists are the ones who help push forward the course of history.It’s required for us to concentrate on study and contribute as much as we can to society.
  So I’m strongly against star-worshipping and I’m happy to hear your voices.
  Thank you!
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