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求一篇英语日记 语法一定要正确.词数200左右,词300以上加分.写的很罗嗦也不要紧,中文如下:
今天天气不像前几天那样热.早上我乘车来到爷爷家,我和爷爷一起去池塘边钓鱼.池塘里的鱼真多,我和爷爷找了一个合适的位子开始钓鱼.爷爷一会就钓了3条,我很长时间也没钓到一条鱼.我变得生气起来,爷爷说 做事要有耐心,爷爷开始教我钓鱼的方法.最后我终于钓到了一条鱼,我和爷爷都非常高兴.(用过去时态)
Today is not so hot as the other day .
I went to my grandpa's home by bus this morning .
Then We went Fishing on the side of the pond .
There are many fishes in the pond . We found a good seat and began to fish . Grandpa caught three fish in a moment , but i didnt catch a fish for a long time . I felt very angry and not happy . Then grandpa told me that we should do eveything with patience . So he began to teach me how to catch fish . I learnt it quickly .
Thanks to my grandpa , at last i caught a fish on my own .
We were both very happy .