早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


31、Long hour of practice paid off for Tiger Woods who become the younhest golf champion in history
32、Much to her regret ,the pet dog died of what seemed at first to be simple cold
33、John enjoys wandering about in a foreign city on his own much more than joining a tourist group
34、Dip your biscuit into milk ,and you’ll find it tastes much better
35、What a coincidence it is for the two Johnson sisters to fall in love with the two Hans brothers!
36、Where has everyone gone There is not a single soul in the classroom
37、Pin A having proved to be a failure ,we need to start plan B
38、Everyone is supposed to bring a dish to the party .How come you’re empty –handed?
39、Cherry had wanted to become an sctress ,but she wound up with a job waiting tables at a Hollywood restaurant
40、The disputes over the South china sea islands have to be settled in a friendly manner among china ,Japan ,Vietnam abd other countries concerned
41、The old lady suffering from Alzheimer’s has been missing form her home for over a week
42、Julie has been give leave from work because she is expecting a baby in two weeks
43、Mary ,I’m going your way .hop in and let me give you a ride
44、The wounded soldier made an effort to stand up ,but the general stopped him .
45、I’ll never allow you to travel in such a state of health
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