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A professor told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys.He asked them to write reports(报告) about each boy’s future.Most of the students wrote,“He doesn’t have any hope.”
Twenty-five years later ,another professor read about the earlier reports.He told his students to find out what had happened to the boys.They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful as doctors,teachers and scientists.
The professor was very surprised and decided to study it further.Luckily,all the men were living near the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one,“What made you successful ” They all answered,“There was a good teacher.”
The teacher was still living there,so the professor found her and asked the old lady what she had pulled those boys out of the slum,and changed them into successful people.
The teacher’s out of began to shine and said with a sweet smile,“It’s really very easy.I love those boys.I’m proud of them.”
一位教授告诉他的学生进入城市贫民窟(贫民窟)研究的生命,200名男孩.他问他们写的报告(报告)约每名男童的未来.大部分的学生写道:“他不抱任何希望” .
教授感到非常诧异,并决定将它进一步的研究.幸运的是,所有男子被附近居民的同一城市,他能访问,并要求每个人,“是什么让您成功?”他们都回答说:“有一个好老师” .