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Do you think family background is important for people to get on well in the society?根据这个问题写一篇英语作文 至少200字
I knew a girl whose husband's father was physically abusive.Luckily,her husband knew it was wrong and didn't turn out the same way.But what was also true is that his father suppressed his emotions a lot and he did too.He never realized he was doing that until his wife pointed it out to him.So while it's wrong to assume that someone you're with is going to turn out just like their family,it would be foolish to not at least be aware of where they're coming from.
I dated a girl who had a hard time discussing her feelings.When I met her family,I understood why.Her parents were like that too.They're very easy to talk to,but when it comes to sharing how they feel,they all tend to push that inside.But none of them saw that as a bad thing.
I knew a kid in high school whose father lost his job.For years,he blamed minorities.His son heard that and grew up believing that minorities steal jobs from whites and that affirmative action gives jobs to unqualified blacks.We got into a lot of arguments,but no matter what I said,I could not convince him that he and his dad were wrong.In his mind,he wasn't prejudiced against blacks.People can change and learn,but only if they allow themselves to.But if you can't own up to your flaws,how can you ever change?
The examples I gave were meant to prove a point,which is that people are influenced by their families in ways that they don't always realize.Those influences can be both positive and negative.The examples I gave may have been negative,but I could just as easily have come up some positive ones.
As for the claim that people aren't destined to turn out like their parents,I stand by it.But I don't have to defend that because that's not the subject of this thread.The issue is whether it's fair to factor in a person's family background.Just as it would be wrong to assume someone who comes from a dysfunctional family is going to turn out bad,it would also be wrong to assume someone who comes from a good,loving family will be a wonderful person.
Judging by your comments,it sounds like you're too focused on defending people who come from dysfunctional families.
I have 10 brothers and sisters.I love my parents,my siblings,and my millions of nieces and nephews,and great nephews.We are the type that will get together and crack jokes on each other,or wrestle,before we’ll hug and kiss.That’s just how we were raised.And we all turned out to be productive members of society.I try to talk to my mom at least once a week,with my siblings it may be fewer and far between,but when it’s time to do something ‘family’,we are there.
My girl’s immediate family is more tighter than my family.They spend a lot of time together.I like her father a whole lot.Her mom’s a sweetheart.She has all sisters,and they spend a lot of time at their parents’ house.I don’t think the parents mind.They are the type of family that will go on vacation together and all of that.Her brothers in law also go on the trips.
My girl has talked about the time when I’ll be able to join along with these activities.When she first said that,it totally turned me off.I guess I tend to think pessimistically,so I just assumed that this meant every weekend or free moment I’ll be in their presence.That’s not the case,but I’m definitely not going to be dragged to every function her family has.I don’t mind doing some things with them,but I’m the type that doesn’t need to be out and about all the time,and since she and I are the primary family unit in our relationship,they have to take a backseat.
And the differences in family backgrounds have produced some problems.Being that I’m not the affectionate type,and my approach to her is in line with how I treat my family,she’s felt sometimes that I’ve been harsh or mean.This is the same girl who likes to talk about how tough she is.LOL.Of course,I’ve learned to deal with her accordingly,but that issue surfaces from time to time.
The more I get to know her family,the more I do like them,and she likes mine,even though two of my sisters threatened her with bodily harm the first time they were officially introduced.I see some similarities in them as well.Some good ones.So we’ll see where it goes.