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As the 21st century the arrival of the information age,computerized accounting for its efficient,automated,easy,accurate,timely,and other advantages are increasingly being welcomed by the broad masses of accounting,computerized accounting business in China after decades of development,in China Many enterprises have been the use of a universal,so that the implementation of computerized accounting internal accounting control great changes have taken place,but China's computerized accounting system of internal control is not perfect,financial and accounting information distortion of the phenomenon are still very serious,serious impact on the The socialist market economic order.Moreover,with the rapid development of Internet,e-commerce is rising rapidly,and so on,some advanced,modern things continue to appear on the computerized accounting system has put forward higher requirements in such circumstances,strengthening enterprise Internal accounting controls on it is particularly important.This paper analyses of China's computerized accounting system of internal control problems,and the corresponding measures and countermeasures to solve.
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