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Great Depression
About 200 million Americans wandering around - of which there are more than 250,000 in 16 to 21 years old.These media at the time was known as the Great Depression of the "no one to depend on drifting",air-to-air deal with the tenant farmers; because there is a severe drought for three years,the farmers leave their homes; from a large number of university graduates,young people can not find a job,There are suddenly unemployed middle-aged man with a facial expression of sick babies - those who go every day,of no fixed abode.
Among these people there is no lack of dapper middle class - the Governor of the Bank's high-spirited or well-known in the newspaper to comment on the writer,now beg for food at night and knock on the door or curled in the city receive the bread line up the crowd.
About 200 million Americans wandering around - of which there are more than 250,000 in 16 to 21 years old.These media at the time was known as the Great Depression of the "no one to depend on drifting",air-to-air deal with the tenant farmers; because there is a severe drought for three years,the farmers leave their homes; from a large number of university graduates,young people can not find a job,There are suddenly unemployed middle-aged man with a facial expression of sick babies - those who go every day,of no fixed abode.
Among these people there is no lack of dapper middle class - the Governor of the Bank's high-spirited or well-known in the newspaper to comment on the writer,now beg for food at night and knock on the door or curled in the city receive the bread line up the crowd.
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