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桔梗(Platycodon grandiflorum)为桔梗科桔梗属多年生草本植物,朝鲜人把它叫做“道拉基”.朝鲜族有一首非常好听的《桔梗谣》唱的就是这种植物.本科著名植物主要有党参、轮叶党参、紫斑风铃草、沙参等.桔梗中的“桔”字读作jie2(音杰),淡紫加淡蓝的色彩,呈现严格五次旋转对称的桔梗花,几乎人见人爱.
Platycodon grandiflorum
(Radix Platycodi Grandiflori,Jie Geng)
Platycodon is the principal herb in Chinese medicine for diseases of the lungs and throat,and is commonly used for inflammatory conditions of the eyes,ears,and sinuses.The herb has a strong expectorant and antitussive effects and is included in many cough formulas,usually in combination with licorice.
The active components of platycodon — saponins,sterols,and triterpenoids — reduce inflammation and thin the sputum.It helps to treat skin swellings,including abscesses in the lungs and intestines.It also aids to soothe sore throats and relieve hoarseness.Platycodon is commonly added to formulas to direct the actions of the other herbs to the upper body.
Circulates the Lung Qi and expels Phlegm – used for cough.Promotes the discharge of pus – pus in lung or throat abscess.Benefits the throat – sore throat or loss of voice.Directs the effects of other herbs upwards.
Constituents Polygalain acid,platycodigenin,alpha-spinasterol,stigmasterol,betulin,platycodonin,platycogenic acid.
Precautions None known.
Side Effects None known.
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