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抽血时,男孩安静地不发出一丝声响,只是向邻床上的妹妹微笑.抽血后,男孩躺在床上一动不动,目不转睛地看着医生将血液注入妹妹体内.一切手术完毕,男孩停止了微笑,声音颤抖地问:“医生,我还能活多长时间?” 医生正想笑男孩的无知,但转念间又被男孩的勇敢震撼了:在男孩11岁的大脑中,他认为输血会失去生命.但他仍然肯输血给妹妹,在那一瞬间,男孩所作出的决定付出了一生的勇敢并下了死亡的决心.医生的手心渗出了汗,他握紧了男孩的手说:“放心吧,你不会死的.输血不会丢掉生命.”
男孩眼中放出了光彩:“真的?那我还能活多少年?”医生微笑着,充满爱心:“你能活到100岁,小伙子,你很健康!”男孩从床上跳到地上,高兴得又蹦又跳.他在地上转了几圈确认自己真的没事时,就又挽起了胳膊――刚才被抽血的胳膊,昂起头,郑重其事的对医生说:“那就把我的血抽一半给妹妹吧,我们两个每人活 50年!”
The boy and his sister depended on each other. Parents young, he is her only relatives. So the boy love sister is better than to love yourself. But disaster again in this obscure two unfortunate children.
Sister with ill, need a blood transfusion. But the hospital blood is too expensive, the boy have no money to pay any costs, although the hospital had waived the the cost of the operation. But not a blood transfusion and no, not a blood transfusion sister will be dead. As a sister only relatives, the boy's blood type and sister tally. The doctor asked the boy is brave, whether has the courage to bear when exsanguinate pain. A little boy a hesitant, 11 years old brain after a thoughtful, finally nodded his head, his with a courage and responsibility of dignity.
When exsanguinate, a quiet boy doesn't make a sound, just to adjacent bed on sister smile. After the blood, the boy lying in bed motionless, staring at the doctor will blood into the sister body. All the surgery was finished, the boy stopped smiling, voice trembled to ask: "doctor, I can live how long?" The doctor is want to smile boy of ignorance, but turned again by the boy's brave between shock: the boy in the brain of 11 years old, and he thinks that blood transfusions will the loss of life. But he is still willing to give blood transfusion sister, in that moment, the boy's decision pay the life and death of the brave the determination. The doctor's palm leaked out sweat, he hold the boy's hand and said: "don't worry, you can't be dead. A blood transfusion not lose life."
The boy's eyes released brilliance: "really? That I can live how many years?" The doctor smiled, full of love: "you can live to be 100 years old, young, you're healthy!" The boy from the bed to the ground, happy to jump up and down again. He turned on the ground the laps to ensure you really have no matter, he rolled up the arm-just be blood arm, held his head, formal said to the doctor: "that took my blood pumping half for sister go to, we two each live for 50 years!"
All the people were shocked, this is not a promise of children, this is the most the most pure human selfless promise.
With others share the life, even as the father and son kiss, conjugal love such as husband and wife, and a few people can be so happy so sincerely so willing to say and do it? All of the people, yes, including doctors, including the nurse, including the other patients, but also in the earthly things and the increasingly numb our indifference.
看了 一个英语读后感男孩与他的妹妹...的网友还看了以下:

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