早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
an economically developed coastal cities, in this beautiful city life in the sky was 20 years. The witness to the scene of the historic moment, but in the harmony of the city, there was a scene not in harmony, the electric prevailed. Electric cars a drilling motor vehicles with non-motor vehicle of the legal gaps in the new product, the electric vehicle of that time there is indeed the Chinese People' s daily on the move brought some facilities. However, things cannot be just one, because everything has two aspects. We would say electric cars the advantages and disadvantages, and only through the only revealed a number of very serious problem. First, let us say electric cars to the people of the benefits. 1, section to environmental protection, and faster than other than motor vehicles soon, and low cost without a licence, driving easily, both young and old suitable "four points mentioned above is electric bicycle in the minds of most people recognized advantage. Now let us look at electric cars the defects and what other places, electric battery should not be permanent, cell damage, replacement rate is high, but battery recovery in the country is still relatively low, this does not fully comply with section to environmental protection concepts, and speed is indeed a bicycle faster than the motor vehicle slow
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