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英语作文:Internet Dating 1、目前网上相亲很流行 2、网上相亲有利有弊 3、我的看法 要求:分3段
Dating online may be an interesting experience with everything dealt with properly. If not, it will surely be rather boring. That's why dating online should be made carefully rather than casually, which can lead to a large difference between lifelong happiness and lifelong lonliness.
The popularity of dating online lies in that it's a more effecient way to meet people with more advantages over those traditional ones. However, much caution is still needed when people date with those who are almost fully strange. To increase your exprience concerned, the most important point to keep in mind is to keep level-headed.
To make most appointments successful, you must keep to the following common sense and stay alert to some people.
1. Begin it cautiously. We suggest pushing the process slowly. Keep alert to somebody much too adult.
2. Try to use anonymity. Never throw away your name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number and other private information in Web files or until you have known him to a great extent.
3. Ask for photos. A photo can give you his appearance, which contributes to an exact sense of whether to see him or not.
4. Talk by phone. Telephone conversations can reveal much of his skill in personal and social communication.
These advice can help you gain pleasure as well as feel safe while dating online. So, when you are on the Internet, please learn these tips by heart.
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