早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Jim and Tom were eating at a restaurant(饭店). On the table there was a cup of hot (辣
的)mustard(芥末). Jim thought it was sweet and took a spoonful(汤匙) of it into his mouth. Tears (眼泪) ran down from his eyes. However, he wished Tom to do the same thing. So he said nothing. Tom saw Jim crying (哭), and asked,“What for, my friend?”
“I’m thinking of (想起) my father, he was hanged (被绞死)20 years ago,Jim said.Soon after Tom took a spoonful of mustard and when tears began to run down from his eyes, Jim asked “Why are you crying, then?”“I am thinking why you were not hanged 20 years ago.”
小题1:Where were Jim and Tom?
A.at home
B.at school
C.at a restaurant
D.at a shop
小题2:How was the mustard? It was.
小题3:How was Jim after he took a spoonful of hot mustard?
A.Jim was glad.
B.Jim was sad.
C.Tears ran down his eyes.
D.He thought of his father.
小题4:Tom also took a spoonful of hot mustard because
A.he was hungry
B.he wanted to taste (尝) the mustard
C.he knew the mustard was hot
D.he knew what Jim was crying for
小题5:After Tom took a spoonful of mustard, he was.
A.thinking of his father B.angry with Jim
C.going to hang Jim D.thankful to Jim


小题1:根据文章内容Jim and Tom were eating at a restaurant(饭店)可知答案为C
小题2:根据文章内容On the table there was a cup of hot (辣的)mustard(芥末). 可知答案为B
小题3:根据文章内容Jim thought it was sweet and took a spoonful(汤匙) of it into his mouth. 可知答案为C
小题4:根据文章内容Jim thought it was sweet and took a spoonful(汤匙) of it into his mouth. 可知答案为B
Soon after Tom took a spoonful of mustard and when tears began to run down from his eyes, Jim asked “Why are you crying, then?”可知答案为B
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