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Can money buy happiness?
Many people dream of making it big,buying a big house,design a cloth,a nicer car,but with the record number of millionaires now living right here in the United States,an age old question is now front and center--- can money really buy happiness?
The bible says the love of money is the root of all evil.So why do people want it so badly?And if you get it,can it buy you happiness?
Deal or no deal?
Money is god of this country,it鈥檚 almost too important to us,it takes over.
Be great to have lots of money,but then when you think about it,you have a different set of problems.I mean you are still paying the same bills,just will be higher.
Best selling author David Bach is a money mentor on CNBC鈥檚 The Millionaire Inside.Going from rags to richest,he says he found happiness but it wasn鈥檛 just about dollars and cents.
I think what most Americans really want is freedom.With the land of the free,but when three out of four people are living pay checked,pay checked,they don鈥檛 feel free.So I think there is a lot of opportunity for the average American to become what I call an automatic millionaire.
So folks,that means paying yourself first,saving one hour a day of your income and spending less.
In different levels of life,you have to survive all them or someone really is living pay checked,pay checked.Then you have security,where someone as you might basic means to cover.Maybe that gets six months to years where the expenses preside.Once you get past a year of expenses,you start to become free.
In the end,happiness is not as simple as making more money.
The more money you have,the more you are going to spend anyway.People don鈥檛 know how to keep their money.People don鈥檛 know to spend them wisely.
Dr.Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist; Vera Gibbons is a correspondent for CNBC.Morning to both of you.(Good morning.)
We spend so much time in our lives trying to make money.We must believe it鈥檚 gonna bring us happiness.But the research is a kind of mixed,isn鈥檛 it?
Well,the research is mixed.And I think part of the reason for that is that people acknowledge in their souls if not in their wallets that won鈥檛 make them happy.Most people don鈥檛 marry for money,most people don鈥檛 pursue careers simply for the money.There are a lot of teachers in America,who won鈥檛 trade their jobs for a sales job to make more.So we vote with our fit,in that sense.
But the problem is we see all these people are there today,with the arts,with the play,with the boats,all of these are complains,the big houses.And we think we want that too.They look happy,they have all these conditions.(It looks that way.) More millionaires,more multi-millionaires,more billionaires than ever,and they have all the toys.
Given the research what I have read,it is indicators about scare.A little more money,in other words,if you can get somebody enough money to take them from poverty to middle class,that makes people happy.But a lot more money,they go from five hundred thousand to five million,it doesn鈥檛 make you a deal.
That鈥檚 right; money is going to have the more significant impact on those low income individuals.People who have very little,they are making 20 thousand dollars.They get from 20 to 50 thousand dollars,that鈥檚 gonna to have a big impact on them.
That may,that would.Let me tell a 15 years in practice.I have had anybody come in and say,you know why am I here,I need a little more money.Right,it is all about do I feel loved,and do I love something in the world.In other words,doing work that does not speak to your heart and making lots of money is a prescription for disaster.
Yeah,you listen to surveys of the kinds of jobs that make people the happiest; they aren鈥檛 necessarily,not even close to jobs that paid the most money.They are things like teachers,social workers,firefighters,(fireman yeah) not necessarily high paid jobs.
I will still alive for my own psychologist when I was in therapy,he said,the last place you want to be is in the first class C,on a plane going somewhere you don鈥檛 want to go.Absolutely true.It鈥檚 really both feeling loved.The people come to me were in the toughest spots,I am convinced they are well loved,and they are convinced there are something in the world that they genuinely have passion love for.
Yeah,passion is another thing that makes people happy.(Yeah) health and passion.
Health,health is at the top of the list in terms of what makes you happy.Having good relationship with people,having a lot of very close personal friends,having a good marriage,these are the types of things that make you feel happy.
By the way,the health,money can help you buy happiness there.Because money can give you access to the best health care in the world.You still have to take care of ourselves.(that鈥檚 true),but it can鈥檛 make you healthier.
And if you flip that around,then you get to the core of what really makes people happy.Coz sometimes you have to take the negative to see that you are content now.So if people were to imagine,I knock on it would at this moments that their children were not well got for being.Then they will realize,you know what,I am pretty content even know my cars are year older than I鈥檇 like.
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