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英语作文 在家工作的坏处
Working at home is similar to a two sided coin.On one side are the advantages while on the flip side of the coin are the disadvantages.Let's look at a couple of the main factors that can affect work at home mothers.
One advantage of being a work at home mom is the amount of time you will have to devote to your home business.No time spent stuck in traffic commuting to and from work (unless of course you count the stop off at the coffee pot between the bedroom and the office every morning a traffic jam).You can say goodbye to the eight hour day that quickly turns into ten or more by the time you pick up the kids from daycare and rush home to make supper.
Yes,as a work at home mother you definitely have more time.You will be able to work at your own pace and set your own schedule.Want to go workout at the gym or spend time biking with your children?How about cleaning out that closet?But,wait a minute.What about your home business?Therein lays the potential problem.You DO have lots of time but you will need to manage this time to be able to effectively work from home.
Trying to run a successful business from the home is very time consuming because you generally have to do everything yourself.There's no co-worker sitting at the desk beside you to confer with on a problem or pick up your slack if you’re just not feeling up to it or don’t understand something.
Another drawback is that because you are at home,with so many other things clamoring for your attention,it may be difficult to have large blocks of uninterrupted time to spend on your business.There are always lots of things that need doing around the house to consume the time you planned to use for your home business venture.
The second factor that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage is money.Because you are working at home,you will save money.There will be no need for an extensive wardrobe for work and you won't have to pay for daily transportation.If your children are not old enough for school,you could save a bundle on daycare.
Of course,there is a downside to this.Because you don't hold down a regular job,you won't have that steady paycheck to depend upon.Nor will you have a benefits package,unless your spouse has one at his place of employment.Until you get your home business going smoothly and more predictably you probably won't make much of an income.Even then,unless you can consistently dedicate a significant amount of time to actually working your home business,your income may be much less than what you made at your previous job.
Working at home,just like any other thing in life,has both it’s advantages and disadvantages.Only you can determine whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks making it the right choice for you and your family.
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