早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
2.Jane’s skirt feelss__________.It’s very nice.
3.Success gives us as__________ of happiness.
4.In old days,theb__________ always treated the workers very badly.
5.The coat was very expensivebut I bought it a__________.
6.I want to book a s_________room with two single beds.
7.Hello,Wei Hua!Did you receive ap_________?I wrote something on it and I sent it to you yesterday.
8.In A_________,most people have light skin,but in Africa,lots of people have dark skin.
10.In China,we like to usec_________ to eat.
11.Television,like otherthings,has both a_________ and disadvantages(缺点).
12.—Where is the m_________?I want to order something to eat.—Here it is.
2.Jane’s skirt feelss__________.It’s very nice.
3.Success gives us as__________ of happiness.
4.In old days,theb__________ always treated the workers very badly.
5.The coat was very expensivebut I bought it a__________.
6.I want to book a s_________room with two single beds.
7.Hello,Wei Hua!Did you receive ap_________?I wrote something on it and I sent it to you yesterday.
8.In A_________,most people have light skin,but in Africa,lots of people have dark skin.
10.In China,we like to usec_________ to eat.
11.Television,like otherthings,has both a_________ and disadvantages(缺点).
12.—Where is the m_________?I want to order something to eat.—Here it is.
2 soft
3 surprise
4 bosses
5 anyway
6 single
7 present
8 America
10 chopsticks
11 advantages
12 menu
3 surprise
4 bosses
5 anyway
6 single
7 present
8 America
10 chopsticks
11 advantages
12 menu
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