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翻译 汉译英学校坐落在河南省信阳市贤山北麓,浉河之滨,西有“长淮明珠”南湾湖,南望“云中公园”鸡公山。校园占地面积1500亩,建筑面积42.6万平方米。明朝文坛“前七子”之一何景明就生于此,学于此,葬于此。先贤遗风,泽被后世。校园内林木交荫,绿围翠绕,鸟语花香,四季常青,校园绿化率达70%。学校先后被评为河南省文明标兵学校、省级园林单位、省级文明单位、国家精神文明建设先进单位。 麻烦把这段文字翻译成英语,谢谢。
My school is situated by the bank of River Shi, at the northern foot of Mt.Xian, in the city of Xinyang, Henan Province, it has Lake Nanwan --"The Bright Pearl of Chang Huai"-- to the west, and it faces Mt.Jigong--"Park in the cloud"-- to the south. The campus occupies an area of 1500 mu ( 1 mu =0.667 hectares),and the built up area is 426,000 sq.m.. As stated in the literary world of Ming Dynasty.one of "The first seven erudite persons"--He Jingming was born here,studied here and buried here, Customs handed down from virtuous persons of past generations,benefit later generations. On the campus, woods and trees criss-crossing to provide shades, surrounded by emerald green, twittering of birds and the fragrance of flowers,green all the year round, the rate of making the campus green by planting trees and flowers has reached 70%. The school has been successively judged as Henan Province's school of example of civilization,park; unit of provincial level; civilization unit of provincial grade,advanced unit of the building of national spirit of civilization. 学校坐落在河南省信阳市贤山北麓,浉河之滨,西有“长淮明珠”南湾湖,南望“云中公园”鸡公山。
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