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For sugar product
Microbiological requirements
EU Commission Regulation EU 2073/2005 on Food microbiological criteria as amended,Chapter 1.Food safety criteria:Under normal conditions,the regular examination stipulated in the related criterion is not useful with food specified for direct consumption of sugar.
Chemical requirement for limiting the health threats of food.
Gov.Regulation No.305/2004 Coll.,as amended,stipulating contaminants and toxicologically relevant substances,does not impose any permissible limits specifically for sugar.Similarly in EC regulations:EU1881/2006 imposing maximum limits of some contaminants for foodstuffs.
Gov.Regulation No.4/2008 Coll.,as amended,listing the allowed additives and auxiliary admixtures and the conditions for their use in the foodstuffs’ production,sets the maximum amount limit of sulphur dioxide:10 mg per 1kg of sugar.
Distribution of the product
The allowed means of transport must comply with the hygiene requirements on food transportation as stipulated in the Act No.110/97 Coll.,as amended,– valid for packed foodstuffs.
The allowed means of transport must comply with the hygiene requirements on food transportation as stipulated in the Act No.110/97 Coll.as amended,and the requirements of the Gov.Regulation 38/2001 Coll.,as amended,- on materials in contact with foodstuffs:applicable for foodstuff bulk carriers.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions in compliance with Gov.Regulation 76/2003Coll.,as amended,- for natural sweeteners.
Sugar should be kept at the maximum ambient temperature 30o C,and maximum relative air humidity 70 %.
Wrapping material
PAP – the material complies with the Parliament and EU Council Resolution 1935/2004
For sugar product
Microbiological requirements
EU Commission Regulation EU 2073/2005 on Food microbiological criteria as amended,Chapter 1.Food safety criteria:Under normal conditions,the regular examination stipulated in the related criterion is not useful with food specified for direct consumption of sugar.
Chemical requirement for limiting the health threats of food.
Gov.Regulation No.305/2004 Coll.,as amended,stipulating contaminants and toxicologically relevant substances,does not impose any permissible limits specifically for sugar.Similarly in EC regulations:EU1881/2006 imposing maximum limits of some contaminants for foodstuffs.
Gov.Regulation No.4/2008 Coll.,as amended,listing the allowed additives and auxiliary admixtures and the conditions for their use in the foodstuffs’ production,sets the maximum amount limit of sulphur dioxide:10 mg per 1kg of sugar.
Distribution of the product
The allowed means of transport must comply with the hygiene requirements on food transportation as stipulated in the Act No.110/97 Coll.,as amended,– valid for packed foodstuffs.
The allowed means of transport must comply with the hygiene requirements on food transportation as stipulated in the Act No.110/97 Coll.as amended,and the requirements of the Gov.Regulation 38/2001 Coll.,as amended,- on materials in contact with foodstuffs:applicable for foodstuff bulk carriers.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions in compliance with Gov.Regulation 76/2003Coll.,as amended,- for natural sweeteners.
Sugar should be kept at the maximum ambient temperature 30o C,and maximum relative air humidity 70 %.
Wrapping material
PAP – the material complies with the Parliament and EU Council Resolution 1935/2004
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