早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、Hey, where were u last night?
I went to the library, and guess who I met?
Tom, the tall guy.
Really? I havn't seen him for almost half year, and we used to play basketball together. He is really good at grabing the rebounds. Where did he go?
He broke his leg when he played with some black guys and it was quiet hard for him to live in the hospital for 6 months. We totally depend on him on the court. Oh, I missed the guy.
Can he play now?
He doesn't know, how should I know? He said the doctor told him to keep walking but not running for couple weeks. So I guess maybe it is getting better.
Oh, crap.
I said :Maybe!
I do not need maybe, I wanna make sure it is getting better. I hope that I can do sth for him.
He missed the course of Basic knowledge of laws, and will take the exam next week. Maybe u can help him.
Yes, like I can take the exam for him.
No! I meaned that u can help him fill the blanks of the course.
Time is not allowed.
U should do u best to help him. That is what a friend mean. U do not try. how can u say that time is not enough?
OK. I will try.
2、Kevin, it time for lunch, get up!
No. I need my bed.
Aren't u hungry?
A little.
So get up. U even do not have breakfast.
I will have a breaklunch, maybe break-dinner.
OMG! That's impossible. U will eat more when u are hungry. It will do nothing but adding ur weight. Get up! I will take ur sheet.
No way!
OK. I will go outside and have some deliciours food. What should I eat? Beef is good.
The beef tasted old in winter.
I will take fried shrimp.
U cannot afford it. It is too expensive.
Maybe I should eat the hot pot.
U will be smelly and tired of washing ur coat.
I will take vegetable salad. It will be OK.
U will still be hungry.
U idiot! It is none of ur business what I am taking for lunch!
Sure, it is not. I just gave some suggestions.
I will go to KFC and have lunch. The pretty lady living next street is no duty today.
What? Wait! I will go! Wait!
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