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How Kangaroo got his Tail
Based on an Australian Aboriginal Legend
A long time ago,some animals looked different to the way they look now.Kangaroos had no tails and wombats had high,round heads.
Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat were good friends.They lived together in a hut that Warreen had built from tree bark.
They liked being with each other,but Mirram liked to sleep outside at night and he made fun of Warreen who always wanted to sleep inside.

How the Bear Lost his Tail
retold by Sanjit
Bear with tailThis is the story of Bear's tail.I've heard it told in Germany,and in North America by the Iroquois Indians.
A long time ago,Bear had a beautiful,long,furry tail.He thought it was really cool.He laid it out behind him and people had to walk round it.
He asked everyone:"Don't you think my tail is the most beautiful tail you've ever seen?"
People thought Bear was very vain,but they were frightened of his big claws and didn't want to make him angry
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