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Hilton Hotel founder and world hotel,the WangKang nehemiah Hilton is a notice "little things".Kang,nehemiah Hilton asked his staff:"everyone remember,absolutely not put our hearts it before his face!No matter how difficult by the hotel itself,Hilton waiter smile of customer is always the sun." It is this little always smile,let the Hilton Hotel's figure around the world.Restaurant waiter work each day is on customer smile,answer customer questions,clean the rooms,sorting sheets for trivial; You do every day is probably answering the telephone,sorting statements,produce drawings such minor.If you feel tired,it is meaningless and lift not spirit?Whether you therefore perfunctory cope with inside,there is a negligent?This can't be your excuse.Please remember:it's your job,and work without incident.If you want to put everything perfect,it must pay your enthusiasm and hard work.
Hilton Hotel founder and world hotel,the WangKang nehemiah Hilton is a notice "little things".Kang,nehemiah Hilton asked his staff:"everyone remember,absolutely not put our hearts it before his face!No matter how difficult by the hotel itself,Hilton waiter smile of customer is always the sun." It is this little always smile,let the Hilton Hotel's figure around the world.Restaurant waiter work each day is on customer smile,answer customer questions,clean the rooms,sorting sheets for trivial; You do every day is probably answering the telephone,sorting statements,produce drawings such minor.If you feel tired,it is meaningless and lift not spirit?Whether you therefore perfunctory cope with inside,there is a negligent?This can't be your excuse.Please remember:it's your job,and work without incident.If you want to put everything perfect,it must pay your enthusiasm and hard work.
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