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1.traffic,transport,vehicle的区别,再举几个他们各自的不可以相互转换的短语.2.9B英语上P36上 a medium-sized robot size后面为什么要加d3.从句中what 与that 的区别
traffic 是指交通,如traffic jam 就是指交通拥挤.又如:There is too much traffic on the road.这条路上行人车辆太多了.
Police control the traffic in large cities.在大城市里,警察控制交通.
还可表示“交通行列;交通量”如Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.高峰时间交通十分繁忙passenger traffic 就是客流量.transport既可以作动词,也可以作名词.是“运送,运输,搬运”的意思.The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air.货物将空运到东京The machines are ready for transport.机器待运.
在英式英语中还表示“交通工具”.如It is easier to travel if you have your own transport.
如果你自己有交通工具,旅行起来就方便多了.还可表示“交通运输系统”The city must improve its public transport.该城必须改善其公共交通系统.以上traffic和transport都是不可数名词.而vehicle是可数名词,作“运载工具;车辆;飞行器;航天器
”解.The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit.运载火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道.No vehicles are permitted into the park.公园内禁止任何车辆进入.引申为“传播媒介;工具,手段”如Language is the vehicle of thought.语言是表达思想的工具.