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It was my first trip to India,alone.One day,as I__1_(walk)through a local market,a ten-year old boy came over and begged me to buy a book,__2__had the words"Interesting India"on its cover.I bought it.thinking that when I returned home it would remind me__3_my wonderful Indian adventure.The book claimed that India's people were very welcoming of tourists,and never tried _4_(cheat)them.As Iread I felt deeply touched by these warm words.suddenly,a monkey came down from a nearby tree ,snatched the book from my hand and took __5_away,along with my bag which contained all my belongings.I couldn't do anything __6_stand and stare.Then a manapproached me and asked __7_ I wanted my belongings back .He said it would cost me five US dollars.I had no other choice__8_(leave),so I agreed to pay,but only after my bag was returned.He blew a whistle and the money immediately threw the bag down.I picked it up and gave him the money.I later learned that__9_man made his living this way:tricking tourists.This was the_10_(bad)thing I ever experienced in"Interesting India"
1. was walking; 2. which; 3. of; 4. to cheat; 5. it; 6. but; 7. why; 8. left; 9. the; 10. worst
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