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1. 他昨天在会上提的关于环保的建议值得进一步考虑。(deserve)

2. 在校运动会中,全班同学都尽一份力是天经地义的事。(It

3. 学海无涯这句名言激励着无数年轻人发奋学习去探索未知世界。(stimulate

4. 专家认为对于青少年的教育,只有父母事事以身作则,方能行之有效。(only if)

5. 这项计划的初衷是募集资金,来帮助那些读不起书的穷孩子,但由于种种原因被搁浅了。(mean


I. Translation   

1. 他昨天在会上提的关于环保的建议值得进一步考虑。(deserve)

The suggestion(s) about environmental protection that he raised/put forward/came up with at the meeting yesterday deserve(s ) further consideration/to be further considered/considering further.

2. 在校运动会中,全班同学都尽一份力是天经地义的事。(It)

It is taken for granted that every one /student of the class should do his part/bit/play a part in the school sports meeting.

3. 学海无涯这句名言激励着无数年轻人发奋学习去探索未知世界。(stimulate)

The famous saying “There is no end to learning” stimulates numerous/ countless young people to study hard to explore the unknown world.

4. 专家认为对于青少年的教育,只有父母事事以身作则,方能行之有效。(only if)

Experts believe that only if parents set a good example/pattern for their children in everything can education for teenagers/adolescents be effective.

5. 这项计划的初衷是募集资金,来帮助那些读不起书的穷孩子,但由于种种原因被搁浅了。(mean)

The project/schedule/scheme/plan had been meant to raise money to help those poor children who could not afford to go to school but for one reason or another/various reasons it was quit/quitted/given up.

看了 1.他昨天在会上提的关于环保...的网友还看了以下: