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I have three good friends. They're Jerry,Dave and Bill. Jerry is an Asian boy. Dave is an African boy. Bill is a European boy. When I met them,they were very young. Now they've grown up and have changed. OK,now please listen to their 1.g________ introduction about their changes.

Jerry used to be shy and 2.s________.He was afraid of meeting strangers and he seldom talked with them. He told me he took up dancing to deal with his problems. Now this boy is outgoing. He dares to dance in front of crowds. And he also dares to give a 3.s________ in public.

Dave used to be afraid of 4.e________.Now he never worries about his tests.

Bill is from London,UK. So 5.e________,he is a British boy. He used to hate school. He was even absent from school from time to time. And sometimes he caused lots of problems. Since his head teacher talked to him in 6.p________,he has changed. Now he doesn't fight with other students. And he always helps others.

My three friends are very great and I take 7.p________ in them. What about your friends?Are you 8.p________ of them?


1.general 2.silent 3.speech 4.examinations 

5.exactly 6.person 7.pride 8.proud

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