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All the same和Just the same以及Like wise的区别
all the same [词组] :还是,依然
all the same 在句中,作主词补语﹐表示完全一样; 放于句尾,作修饰语,表示尽管如此,还是.
Although you refuse to answer,I understandit all the same.你虽然不回答,但我仍然知道.
just the same [词组] :尽管如此,仍然
Although you refuse to answer,I understandit just the same.你虽然不回答,但我仍然知道
( all the same 和 just the same 可以互换)
likewise [副词] :同样地,照样地
I was up at dawn,and my host likewise.我天一亮就起床﹐主人也是这个时候起床