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My mother lives five hours-ride from us ,so we donot see her as often as we could.
Unexceptedly ,the lady asked for nothing in return and her act of kindness means the world to my mom.
My mother lives five hours’ ride from us,so we don’t see her as often as we could.Though her eyesight is failing,one of her best loves in life is still reading.The library where she lives near to has a(n) excellent reading room,and I believe my mother is fond of reading every one of the books.But it is not convenient for her to walk to the library,she’s dependent on people to drive her there.However,whenever we go out,that’s the first place she wants to go.
One day when my husband visited my mother,he took her over to the library.By chance a lady who works there came over to help find a book and started a conversation with my husband about my mother and her books.The lady always keeps the books in good order before she returns from work.
My husband told her that mother wasn’t able to make it to the library because she couldn’t go there by herself.Everyone has a(n) busy job and sometimes we could only bring the books for her and then there would be a long time between visits.
This wonderful lady said that anyone who loved to read should be able to go to the library anytime he or she wanted.Later,she gave my mother her phone number and said that whenever my mother wanted to go to the library,she could call her and she would come and pick her up to it.
Unexpectedly,the lady asked for nothing in return and her act of kindness means the world to my mom.They’ve become good friends over the last few years.She is truly one of my mother’s angels.
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