早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1,limited linguistic and cultural translatability
2,美国社会最受重视的价值观之一就是使国民有能力在有生之年不断“向上升迁”,但是现在这种升迁的机遇比过去少了.如今能否升迁越来越取决于大学学历.大多数受过高等教育和有钱人的绝大多数子女都有可能获得大学学历,而大学学历文凭对于大多数低收入家庭的学生只能是可望不可及.虽然高收入家庭的子女进入大学的人数剧增,但是越来越多的贫困家庭的子女只上得起社区大学,而这类大学通常不授予学士学位的.2001年拿到学位的贫困学生的比率不足5%,30年来这比率几乎是纹丝不动.许多学者担心这将导致更大社会阶层的分化(class stratification).
1,limited linguistic and cultural translatability
2,美国社会最受重视的价值观之一就是使国民有能力在有生之年不断“向上升迁”,但是现在这种升迁的机遇比过去少了.如今能否升迁越来越取决于大学学历.大多数受过高等教育和有钱人的绝大多数子女都有可能获得大学学历,而大学学历文凭对于大多数低收入家庭的学生只能是可望不可及.虽然高收入家庭的子女进入大学的人数剧增,但是越来越多的贫困家庭的子女只上得起社区大学,而这类大学通常不授予学士学位的.2001年拿到学位的贫困学生的比率不足5%,30年来这比率几乎是纹丝不动.许多学者担心这将导致更大社会阶层的分化(class stratification).
Values of American society, one of the most important is to make people have the ability to live long enough to keep "up promotion," but now the opportunities for promotion less than in the past. Today, more and more dependent on whether the promotion of university education. Most of the vast majority of highly educated and rich children are likely to obtain a university degree, diploma and college degree for most low-income students can not be experienced. Although the children of high-income families into the sharp increase in university, but more and more children of poor families only Shangde Qi community college, and these usually do not grant university degree. Degree in 2001 for poor students to get the ratio of less than 5%, 30 years this ratio is almost motionless. Many scholars worry that this will lead to greater social stratification
Values of American society, one of the most important is to make people have the ability to live long enough to keep "up promotion," but now the opportunities for promotion less than in the past. Today, more and more dependent on whether the promotion of university education. Most of the vast majority of highly educated and rich children are likely to obtain a university degree, diploma and college degree for most low-income students can not be experienced. Although the children of high-income families into the sharp increase in university, but more and more children of poor families only Shangde Qi community college, and these usually do not grant university degree. Degree in 2001 for poor students to get the ratio of less than 5%, 30 years this ratio is almost motionless. Many scholars worry that this will lead to greater social stratification
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