早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I think Na Ying is the best s_________.She really sings the most beautifully.
2.Who si the best p__________ in our school talent show?Well,I think Vera is the most c___________.She can draw beautiful pictures with sands.
3.Do you know Liu Qian?Yes,he is an excellent m__________from Tai Wan.
4.Hiking in Xi Zang is more and more p__________ with young people because it can make people feel peaceful.
5.Tony,I always watch some kids _______soccer in the yard.Why don’t you join them?
1.I think Na Ying is the best SINGER.She really sings the most beautifully.
2.Who si the best PAINTER in our school talent show?Well,I think Vera is the most CREATIVE.She can draw beautiful pictures with sands.
3.Do you know Liu Qian?Yes,he is an excellent MAGICIAN from Tai Wan.
4.Hiking in Xi Zang is more and more POPULAR with young people because it can make people feel peaceful.
5.Tony,I always watch some kids PLAY soccer in the yard.Why don’t you join them?
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