早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
What does family mean? It means Father And Mother, I Love You.
Thank you, father. For you broke the habit of smoking when mother was pregnant. You began to smoke when you was thirteen. But you gave up it for the health of mother and I.
Thank you, mother. Thank you for bearing the sharp pain of childbirth. Thank you for not only giving me food, clothes and a place to live but also educating me honest, confidence and love.
Maybe I won't be very rich in the future, but I will try my best to be a good person to pay back your love.
Thank you!
Yous son(daughter)
Thank you, father. For you broke the habit of smoking when mother was pregnant. You began to smoke when you was thirteen. But you gave up it for the health of mother and I.
Thank you, mother. Thank you for bearing the sharp pain of childbirth. Thank you for not only giving me food, clothes and a place to live but also educating me honest, confidence and love.
Maybe I won't be very rich in the future, but I will try my best to be a good person to pay back your love.
Thank you!
Yous son(daughter)
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