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你和你父母之间有代沟吗 你认为是什么原因 如何解决
Generation GapIn modern society,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Parents dislike what their children think and do,while children often complain that their parents cannot understand them.This is often called generation gap.There are some reasons for the existence of generation gap.Firstly,the environment in which young people now live is quite different from that in which their parents grew up.Therefore,they often hold different opinions on various problems in life.Secondly,disparity in age leads to misunderstanding.Young people want to do everything as they like,while older people often cannot help interfering when they think what the young people are doing is wrong.This inevitably leads to disharmony.In my opinion,generation gap can be bridged as long as both parents and children can tell each other what they think about certain problems.They should be considerate enough to realize that each generation has its own advantages and disadvantages.Their openness and consideration will probably result in a much better relationship between parents and children.
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