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the aging population tend to be one of the worldwide-concerned social issues, under huge amount of population base, this issue in china is particularly serious. the social transformation as well as the miniaturization of the family structure and size, moreover the emergency of "empty-nest old man" make the problem even more prominent and the social security system is confronting more challenges. as a traditional pattern to support the home care service, the social welfare institution for the elderly is gradually substitute the family endowment which help ease the family-held pressure and relieve the country's aging problem. the way to serve better the senior citizen and comforting them in their senectitude life, to not only enjoy the necessity but also accept the professional, people-based nursing tend to be the key purpose this essay focus on. as an crucial component of social welfare service, the social work should set on the basic concept of "help others help themselves" ,to integrate the social resources, to help the old people deal with the spiritual and psychological needs, in order to present the possibility of introducing the aging population back to work position. research on songpu nursing center, this report take questionnaires as well as interviews to arrange and analyze the elderly's basic information and living situation, and to further discover the structure and operational pattern in gerocomium, and also assess the individuals and institutions requirements. the social workers mainly concentrate on elderly social working modes, process, skills, and the possible problems and introspection.a social worker with their professional work mode and apply the unique case work, group work and community work methods, in order to help them enjoy the remaining years happily and peacefully.
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