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注意:1. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。    2. 词数不少于60。

Dear Peter

How are things going?

Last week I took part in the show of “Beautiful Villages around Beijing” in our school.                                                                    


     Do keep in touch.

Best wishes

Li Hua

One possible version: Dear Peter How are things going? Last week I took part in the show of “Beautiful Villages around Beijing” in our school. On        Sunday morning my parents and I went to the suburbs to get some information for my poster. On arriving at the destination we were impressed by the beautiful scenery and people’s living conditions. I took many photos. Then we chatted with a farmer who told us about the changes these years. They now can get online to learn agricultural science and trade their products. And in spare time they can enjoy various leisure activities like playing table tennis and chess. The next day I put my pictures and an article on the school wall newspaper. I feel proud of the development of our country.          Do keep in touch. Best wishes Li Hua
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