早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




1.    外出郊游(outings)可以使同学们放松(relax)并享受大自然之美,还有助于丰富我们的社会阅历、获得一些实际的生存技能;

2.    外出郊游时要把安全放在第一位,还要关注(concern)环境保护;

3.    你认为每学期应该至少进行一次郊游,以便亲近大自然、振奋(refresh)精神。



One possible version :

Outings can make us students relaxed and enjoy the beauty of nature. What's more they can help enrich our social experience and gain some practical survival skills. During outings we should always put safety in the first place. In addition we should be concerned about environmental protection. In my opinion we should take/have at least one outing each term to get closer to nature and make us refreshed.