早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
I can see the sun .thank u
I can hear the laughter .thank u
I can expect a better life .thank u
but .if you can .please don`t leave me alone
You never know .if you look back .you will see me in tears
You seem to be locked to the heart of the puppets .Are u
How can Why Leave me alone
I never knew .the sky can be so thorough
I never knew .rose can bloom for me
I never knew .the air is so fresh
but .if you can .please don`t leave me alone
If you look back .you will find i just cry with the mask
You forget how scared i am alone
How can Why Leave me alone
Now .i`m still the same me .you too
but we think each other are changed
Please thke off the mask it goes
I can only wish you to stay
don`t leave me alone
A person
I can see the sun .thank u
I can hear the laughter .thank u
I can expect a better life .thank u
but .if you can .please don`t leave me alone
You never know .if you look back .you will see me in tears
You seem to be locked to the heart of the puppets .Are u
How can Why Leave me alone
I never knew .the sky can be so thorough
I never knew .rose can bloom for me
I never knew .the air is so fresh
but .if you can .please don`t leave me alone
If you look back .you will find i just cry with the mask
You forget how scared i am alone
How can Why Leave me alone
Now .i`m still the same me .you too
but we think each other are changed
Please thke off the mask it goes
I can only wish you to stay
don`t leave me alone
A person
不是我瞎说 你要是想在百度知道上找人帮你谱曲,可能性几乎为0,现在什么都是经济化,假若有人有这个能力,他也不会为了这么几个金币来帮你的
看了 我写了首词,谁可以帮我谱个曲...的网友还看了以下:
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