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地震真的是很恐怖!你们看这是地震前的唐山、这是地震前的阪神(日本).人们过着和平、快乐的生活.但是,地震来了.1976年7月28日,唐山大地震,死亡24万人;1995年1月17日,阪神大地震,死亡5400人.可怜,真的是很可怜!灾后,人们全力以赴进行救援.人们重建家园.今天,一切变得比以前更加美好,但是我们不应该忘记曾经的灾难!地震这么可怕,它是什么原因造成的呢?答案有很多,比如说地壳的运动,海啸的影响.那么我们如何应对地震呢?我有一些建议:1加固建筑物2存储食物3不要紧张 但愿地震永远离我们而去,为亡灵祈祷!
Earthquake is really terror!Look,this is the Tangshan before earthquake,which is the former's earthquake Kobe (Japan).People live a peaceful,happy life.However,to the earthquake.July 28,1976,the Tangshan earthquake,the death of 240,000 people ;1995 January 17,'s Kobe earthquake,the death 5400.Miserable,really miserable!Post-disaster,people out for the rescue mission.It is the reconstruction of their homes.Today,all become better than before,but we should not forget the disaster had!Earthquake so terrible that it is what causes?There are many answers,for example crustal movement,the impact of tsunamis.So how do we deal with an earthquake?I have some suggestions :1 reinforced buildings two to three food storage seismic tension Hopefully forever left for dead prayer!