早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、 Electronic Net:
* Participants:Total 10 persons - 4人为过网人,6人为协助人;
* Equipment:Electronic Net
* 过电网时,4人所过网洞不能相同,最底层网洞上的洞一次挑战中最多只能使用两人次;
* 过电网时,如触碰到网线,使其发出警示音,则需要此过网人重新过网;
* 达标原则:四人均顺利通过为成功。
* 参加人数:总计8人,另外可由组长喊口令;
* 游戏道具:8根高空心钢管
* 参加者每人左手各执一棍,围成一圈,间距为一米左右;
* 开始口令下达后,8人同时转动,放开手中棍拿住左侧人员棍子,即每人均手执原左侧人员手中的棍子;
* 达标原则:按此操作成功进行5次为成功,一旦棍子掉地则为失败,则需从头开始。
* 参加人数:总计10人,其中5人起座,5人压腿;
* 游戏道具:①一张宽地垫,②一根粗管
* 5位做仰卧起座的人员需要一同抓住脑后的长棍进行同时起座;
* 达标原则:抓住长杆同时进行仰卧起座数达10个为成功。
* 参加人数:总计7人;
* 游戏道具:一块方形木板
* 7人同时在木板上坚持站立10秒钟;
* 在木板上站立时,7人的身体的任何部位不能碰触地面;
* 达标原则:一起站立达到10秒钟为成功。
* 参加人数:总计2人,其中一个为过网人,一人为其遥控;
* 游戏道具:①把电网所用的道具平方于地面,②遮眼罩一个;
* 过网人眼睛用遮眼罩蒙上后,在另一人语言指引下通过网格;
* 所过线路为纵向,由网格一端顺利通过到另一端,中途如果有铃铛响起则表示有触碰,则需要重新再来;
* 达标原则:在没有任何触碰下顺利通过为成功。
* 参加人数:总计3人,其中一人接球,一人丢球,一人捡球;
* 游戏道具:①一个透明管;②5个乒乓球 ③一块透明板
* 由丢球人把球依次扔到透明板上,球弹起后需要落入接球人手拿的透明管内,不能直接放入透明管,需要把球弹起后落入;
* 接球人不能把透明管触碰到地面;
* 达标原则:在不违规的情况下把5个球都放入透明管。
  1, Electronic Net:
  * Participants:Total 10 persons - 4 artificial lead net person,6 artificial help person;
  * Equipment:Electronic Net
  * While conducting electricity the net, the net hole that 4 people lead can't be same, most a challenge of the hole of the first floor net hole in the most can use two people;
  * While conducting electricity the net, need this to lead the net if touch to run into the net line, make it send out the caution sound,, the person re- leads the net;
  * Reach the mark principle:Four people pass all and smoothly for successful.
  2, place a substitute by subterfuge:
  * Attend the number:Total 8 people, can be shouted the password by the senior clerk moreover;
  * Game prop:8 high and hollow steel pipe
  * Attend an everybody's left hand each keep one stick, round a, is apart from to one meter or so;
  * Start the password descend reach after,8 people turn to move at the same time, releasing the stick in hand to take hold of the left side personnel's stick, namely everybody all keeps the stick within the original left side personnel's hand;
  * Reach the mark principle:Press this operation to carry on successfully 5 times for success, once the stick drops the ground then for failure, then need from the first.
  3, lie on the back to rise:
  * Attend the number:Total 10 people,5 among those peoples rise,5 people press the leg;
  * Game prop:A breadth a mat of ① , a thick tube of ②
  * After 5 personnels who do to lie on the back to rise need to hold tight the brain together of long stick carry on to rise at the same time;
  * Reach the mark principle:Hold tight the long pole to carry on lie on the back to rise the number to amount to 10 at the same time for successful.
  4, the isolated island begs to living:
  * Attend the number:Total 7 people;
  * Game prop:A piece of square wooden board
  * At the same time 7 people are on the wooden board the persistence stands 10 seconds;
  * At wooden board up stand, any part of the 7 people's body can't touch the ground;
  * Reach the mark principle:Stand to attain 10 seconds together for successful.
  5, remote control:
  * Attend the number:Total 2 people, an among those for lead the net person, an artificial it control from a distance;
  * Game prop:① The prop square that the charged barbed wire net use in ground, the ② hides an eyeshade;
  * Lead the net person's eye uses to hide the eyeshade to receive up after, at another one person language guide line under pass the mesh;
  * The circuit lead is lengthways, from the mesh on carrying to pass another smoothly on carry, if the half-way has the bell 铛 to ring out to then mean to touch to touch, then needing afresh again come;
  * Reach the mark principle:At did not touch to touch under pass smoothly for successful.
  6, the 巧 connects the colourful bead:
  * Attend the number:Total 3 people, an among those persons catch the ball, one person throws the ball, one person picks up the ball;
  * Game prop:A transparent tube of ① ;5 planks with a piece of and transparent ping-pong ③ of ②
  * From throw the ball the person put the ball throws the transparent plank one by one in order, the ball needs to fall into the transparent tube that catch the ball hand's take after play inside, can't directly into the transparent tube, needing to fall into after play the ball;
  * Catch the ball the person can't touch the transparent tube to run into the ground;
  * Reach the mark principle:Put 5 balls all into the transparent tube under the condition of not violate the rules.
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